Some might say that this is what this entire blog is...the unnecessary use of a large number of words to express an evasion in speech. Which is kind of funny because while perhaps, I am circuitous and repetitive, I really do try to put something new out there. And as simply as I can. I have read some of my older blogs and I was way wordier before...
Some days it does feel like I am just circling the drain of my mind. Today might be one of those days. I still don’t feel well. I went to work, I stayed until midday and then came home. But I worked until 6. So...not really a sick day.
I am going to try to stay home today and rest. It really should not be this hard. I have changed my mind about what I am going to do today at least a hundred times and still do not feel settled on a course for the day...
So I revert to what feels good and safe, lots of words to perhaps evade what I really want to say which is that I am not particularly good at not feeling well. This would include sad, upset, hurt, disappointed and sick. While I am sure that no one likes to feel any of the above, my circumlocution around the simple idea of a sick day demonstrates a deeper issue with the whole concept of self care versus care of others. I seemingly have a pathological fear of letting other people down...even when it is to my own detriment. So I throw a whole bunch of words at how I feel so I can distract myself and you from the very simple truth: I do not feel well.
And while I cannot tell you why this is so troubling to is. On every level. I do not want to admit that I don’t feel well. I don’t want to take a day off. I don’t want to alter my plans or the plans of others to accommodate my illness. I just want it to all go away so that I can get back to living my life.
So here we are with a lot of words to express the simple idea that I do not do down well. Not new information but I am trying to find a new place for it to land, if only in my own head. I do not feel well so I am going to stay home and this is not the end of the world.
And I think that is enough out of me...

Accepting what is, is tough sometimes! Trusting that all is well, and that the World will turn without me, helps me with this issue. :)