I don’t even know what to say today...I just see this in all aspects of my life. My willingness to abandon this simple and profound truth so that I can pretend that it is other than how it is. I lack the power so I have to surrender and point myself towards the only thing that I know to be true. I, of myself and for myself, fall short of being all that I am capable of...so my best effort in this life is to be willing to grow toward what is right and good and honest and loving.
And that has to start with the admission and acceptance of my own lack of power and the delusion that the power that I feel that I have to wield is actually power, instead of being a hundred forms of fear and delusion.
Today, I can see it. I can feel it. I am willing to own it. And while it doesn’t feel good...it is, and I know this.
That is all I have today...